Sunshine on a rainy day (award)

I am so bad at doing these. I think I got a Liebster Award and failed to fill it in. I think award’s a bit of a fancy word for these, aren’t they just blog versions of chain letters?  Anyhow, I’m still going to participate and not be a Daria because wannareadtotwo was kind enough to find some sunshine in my blog and remind me I’m not all doom and gloom.

Daria crawling into a box

This is an award that goes to writers who brighten other people’s days. The rules (which I’ve broken) are:

  • Include the Sunshine Award icon in your post
  • Link to the blogger who nominated you
  • Answer 10 questions about yourself
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers to receive the award
  • Link to your nominees and let them know you nominated them

1. Are you a cat or dog person?

I refuse to answer this. I’m scared my cats can read and are stalking this blog.

2. What is your favorite outdoor activity?


3. How clean is your house when nobody is coming over?

Organised mess. Like the kinda hair you step out of bed with and pat over before heading off to work.

4. Tell us something we don’t know about you yet.

I love singing along to Belinda Carlisle and I’m only a little bit ashamed.

5. What’s your favorite recipe? Link if possible.

My momma’s parathas with tea.

6. Drinks: Wine, beer or a cocktail?

A good coffee.

7. Have you ever broken the law? If so, details please.

You don’t post stuff like this on the interwebs!

8. What do you hide in your closets?

A mighty fine shoe collection.

9. Why do you blog?

Comfort. Curiosity. Reflection.

10. Current favorite author or book?

George R.R Martin – Game of Thrones series

I’m not going to link to bloggers because you all bring sunshine into my infertile world. So if you’d like to do this, please go ahead and continue it.

Sunshine Award

I opened Pandora's box and infertility entered my life.

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Posted in Blogger stuff
7 comments on “Sunshine on a rainy day (award)
  1. Nicely done and hardly Daria-ish at all.

  2. dogsarentkids says:

    I never follow along with these. I seem to be a terrible community member among bloggers. It just seems like so much work.

  3. Vera says:

    You are the sunshine to my life as well missy…..somehow I believe that to be so true! xxx

  4. “I Get Weak” and “Circle in the Sand”–gotta love them!

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